
mercredi 2 mai 2012

Resisting the Urge to Automate Everything

Andrew Schultz (15/10/11)

The rule: customize for the most common 80% of scenarios, leave flexibility for users to manually address the other 20%.

I’m certainly not claiming to be the origin of this little piece of wisdom, but I haven’t seen it written or documented anywhere. Maybe I just haven’t looked hard enough, as I learned it myself through experience rather than research. The rule’s validity has been demonstrated again and again for me, both as I’ve worked with customers to clean up implementations that were over-customized, or seen implementations I’ve been involved with getting too customization-heavy.

This rule often goes against the grain of a customer’s expectations. Customer implementation teams with inexperienced members often erroneously expect that a CRM system should and/or must account for every process and every scenario that occurs in their front office.

The most difficult part of following this rule is trying to communicate to such an internal implementation team the negative results that come from over-customization. This conversation inevitably comes at the point when you wisely push back on a request for custom functionality. When they don’t understand, they may think your implementation team is lazy or (worse) chicken, lacking confidence or unable to deliver on a particular request. It’s hard to effectively communicate that by simply giving them everything they ask for, you’d probably be doing them a disservice.

Why Not? You Write Code, Don’t You?
First of all, I’ve worked with customer implementation teams (those made up of the customer’s employees, just to be clear) with varying levels of technical experience. It’s not uncommon to have people on these teams that think the capability to write code means that anything and everything is possible. These people may be the business leaders who are accountable for the project, or they may be end-users who, from your consultative perspective, have no place being in these meetings, and who are going to fight tooth and nail for a feature that doesn’t make sense but would address a personal pet peeve of their own.

The first step in these scenarios is to explain that there are indeed limitations to what we can do with CRM, and that those limitations exist with any software product, not just the one you purchased for this project. These limitations aren’t simply technical; they’re operational and strategic as well, meaning that even without a software application supporting this process, there are certain uncommon scenarios in a business that just shouldn’t be locked into a standardized process, because they are so many and so various that the process would have to expand to an unsopportable size and complexity to incorporate each of them.

Paul Greenberg, a recognized authority in CRM strategy, wrote about staying flexible here. He notes that “Companies that have the flexibility to ‘break’ the process when they need to and the empowered employees to do the breaking will be more successful than those that rigidly adhere to the processes despite the problems it causes their own customers.” I believe this is true. That means that the job of the implementation team (consultants and internal employees) is to define the procedures that are both :
- simple enough to be understood, followed, and supported by the CRM application, and
- robust enough to address 80% of the scenarios that occur in the business

Some partners don’t do that well - or perhaps they don’t try at all. (Well, actually, I believe that many partners don’t try at all, because they don’t understand this principle, and then some of them are unwise enough to take the opposite course, actively pushing projects for more and more customization, probably to drive the project revenue up). I can name at least two Microsoft partners in my city that seem to never say no to customization requests. I’ve been involved in re-implementation or remediation projects for former customers of these partners, and I’ve been horrified at the mess of customizations that were implemented without, it would seem, any central, guiding intelligence – a massive volume of utterly a-la-carte customizations, some of them very complex and expensive, but implemented seemingly without any effort to make them a cognizant, integral piece of the solution comprised of the other customizations in the system, which were probably implemented at different times.

Why This Happens?
There are, presumably, a multitude of causes of this unfortunate result. I’ll point out two here from my experience. I’m going to use the headings ”The Company is Too Big” and “The Company is Too Small” because they effectively summarize the factors I’ll discuss in each section,but these headings would be far too simplistic on their own. These headings are not meant to imply that large or small companies are doomed to make the same mistakes, either; in each case, I’ll describe decisions which led to the result of over-customization, and which were typical of a small or a large company, but which could easily have been made differently to better effect. My purpose here is to use these situations for educational purposes; I understand and sympathize with each company’s situation and don’t mean to set them up as scarecrows for stone-throwing here.

The company is too big
During a project for a large, global company’s CRM implementation, I saw the requirements list grow and grow. The time allotted for requirements definition in the project plan was at least doubled in reality. Each time a certain piece of functionality was discussed, it would become more and more complex, often for the purpose of accomplishing objectives which were questionable in my mind, because they were very minor considerations. But this was also true of major objectives – out-of-the-box functionality that would have accomplished the purpose alone or with minor customization was passed over for complex, code-intensive options that expanded the complexity of the final solution and, therefore, the complexity of its administration and of future customization projects.

In this case, a major influence in driving this complexity was a certain part of the company that operated in a different country. This part of the business had been acquired, and was used to operating in a certain way. Their influence in the decisions made by the implementation team was almost always to add complexity. Due to situations like this one, this company’s internal systems were already very complex as a rule. This CRM project was not big enough or important enough to be a rallying point for greater simplicity, especially since the CRM system was to integrate with these very complex pre-existing business systems.

The company is too small
Another experience involved a smaller company with a need for a very robust CRM system. My involvement with this company was during a re-implementation project. My first task was to review the existing customizations in place. I couldn’t even do it in the time allotted, because of the volume and complexity of those existing customizations. Integration software, CRM plugins, workflows, scripts, and custom web pages were implemented indescriminately - and without clear documentation. For no apparent reason, functions very similar to each other were sometimes housed in different types of customizations, rather than keeping like functionality grouped together. There was even an integration running that took data out of CRM and put it back into CRM without touching any other system—not to stage and transform data, but simply to check a value and update another value.

There are various reasons that this occurred at this particular company. While not every company with fewer than 500 employees would necessarily have the same problems, smaller companies are less likely to have IT staff that have been involved in multiple, serious software implementations where proper project management guidelines were followed. They often have a hard time differentiating between ”must haves” and ”nice to haves.” The mentality is sometimes one of moving out of the basement into a world where everything is automated. With this mentality, it’s difficult for them to understand the need to pick and choose the customizations are most relevant to the core businesses.

mardi 1 mai 2012

9 Tips for Small Businesses Implementing CRM

If you're planning to implement a CRM system for your small business then the following “gotcha’s” could just save your bacon. Certainly no one plans to fail, but failing to plan is common mistake in CRM implementation projects, as is failing to create the right plan

1. It's a Small Business – we only need a small plan
Well not unless your ambitions are small. If you want to grow your business then your CRM implementation plan needs to include a lot of big company “stuff”. Sometime this is the first time you have had to decide who does what, so take a moment and think about roles.

2. It's a small business – but we've got big plans...
For many small businesses with big plans it can be all too easy to slip into a supersized CRM implementation. Sure modern CRM software is good – but it can't do everything! Focus on building a plan that addresses your current needs , but considers your future direction.

3. Plan for the future – Encourage user buy-in
Once you have a clear plan and framework for implementing a CRM system, make sure you let everyone else know what’s in the plan! All too often we see CRM implementation and operating plans from a project manager - before the users and stakeholders do. If no one knows about your plan – then they can’t get behind it and help you to succeed.

4. Assess scope and involvement
Set the scope for the project – so everyone can see why you are doing it. Don’t just list the areas and functions that the project will directly affect – be sure to detail the improvements you expect to deliver. If these improvements can demonstrate a return on investment then all the better.

Who will be involved in the project – if not just sales and marketing, who else? Make sure you think about other people in your business that should be interacting with customers and get them involved. You probably don’t want a CRM system wholely designed by the accountant – but you do want them to support your plan.

5. Check your available resources
Once you know where the CRM project is going, and have the buy in from the team, what could go wrong? Unfortunately, a lot of those resources have day jobs, and your CRM project is not at the top of their “to do list”. So plan the resources – and make sure your team have time to complete their part of the plan. Never underestimate the time it takes to clean and prepare data, ready for import into a new CRM system.

If you are working with a third party, make sure that they understand your plan. A good CRM consultancy will have handled many crm implementation projects in their time and will be able to offer advice on realistic timescales. 

6. Assess the initial data load
Decide what you are bringing over / into the CRM system. Not too much, not too little? Work out the average cost per data item that you are going to clean and migrate to the new system, and then work out the return on investment for each item. Is the sales figures by product from 1989 really worth bringing in? How will you use the data, and what benefit will it deliver?

7. What happens if it works?
If all your planning works and you have a successful CRM implementation for your small business will you be able to cope? If you realise the 10% increase in sales that the reports estimate could be attributed to successful CRM implementation, can manufacturing and support tool up in time? The problem with a successful plan for CRM is that you have to be prepared for changes throughout your business. Change can be challenging for your staff, so plan how you will help them to adapt.

8. Measure to manage
For every step on your plan have a measurement point. This way you can tell instantly if the plan is not accurate or if you need to change it. If timescales are slipping – it’s better to know early, rather than at the last minute.

9. Write a plan not a novel.
Try to keep your plan brief and concise – people don’t have time to read 5000 task project plans, or epic novels that describe how you are going to implement CRM.

Collier Pickard have developed a CRM Project Update document with less than 25 key master tasks and areas to consider. We use it for all of our implementations, with great success time after time. The points above are just some of the considerations for a small business planning to implement CRM. For more in-depth advice, take us up on our offer for a free consultancy session.